Here's what I wound up going with for now, the LCS-Mod Short Edition and this is what it looks like on one of my sessions. Don't use it if you're not doing that though, as it totally screwed up my view on my single monitor machine. Here's a link to the Reaper themes database: Here's a link to my favorite one so far, LCS-Mod Short Edition: There's also this gorgeous one, White Tie Imperial, if you're running two or more 1080p monitors. I didn't realize some of these themes led to improved functionality as well. I wanted to freshen up the look of Reaper since it's the main DAW software I've been using for almost a decade now. Logic x theme REAPER Color Themes and Icon Sets. Can even download a Reaper skin (theme) that makes it look like Logic Pro X.:). Reaper comes with plugins, but you can also check out all of the free plugins. With Version 4 came WALTER (Window Arrangement Logic Template Engine for REAPER) which gives the themer even more control. REAPER has provided the ability for users to tweak, customize and hack together their own themes. WALTER (Window Arrangement Logic Template Engine for REAPER) which gives the. Try out the Beatwing theme inspired by Bitwig Studio.